"All behavior communicates a need."
This unique 7-page Calm Down Corner Kit provides children ages 2-8 years old with the building blocks of emotional intelligence:
#1 Name Your Feeling: teaches children to accept and name emotion without supressing or avoiding them
#2 Name Your Need: "All behavior communicates a need." Teaches children to identify and communicate the need underneath their behavior
#3 Name Your Zone: Teaches children about the zones of their nervous system
#4 Choose Your Calm Down Helper: Teaches children to identify which sensory calming tools help their body and brain return to calm
#5 Grounding Technique: offers a 5-step proven strategy to interrupt a trigger and return a child's body and brain to calm
#6 Choose a Healthy Behavior: offers children 3 healthy behaviors to replace unwanted behaviors like yelling, hitting, biting, kicking and throwing